
1.2 Kelvin at the push of a button

Achieve 1.2 Kelvin research with an existing CryoAdvance® 100 system.

Plug and play add-on module to reach our coldest temperatures yet

  • 1.2 Kelvin base temperature

    The OneK-Optic is a closed cycle module that provides more than 8 hours of cooling at 1.2K prior to the automated recharge of the system.

  • Add-On and Upgrade

    Easily add to existing CryoAdvance® 100 systems.

  • Single Shot with Automated Recharge

    Up to 8 hours with 100 µW cooling capacity. System will automatically recharge and be ready for test in <3 hours.

  • Fully Integrated with Galaxy Software Control

    Intuitive and easy to use, 1.2K research is a button push away.

  • Sample Access

    Optical, DC, and RF access direct to the 1.2K sample space.


  • 100mm Footprint – Same form factor and width as standard 100mm system.
  • Add Ons – Low Working Distance option and exchangeable windows.
  • Optical+ DC + RF – 2 side windows with multiple feedthrough options for RF and DC electrical access to the sample.
  • Touchscreen User Interface – Displays real-time temperature status and temperature stability.